United Robotics strives to partner with America's manufacturers to increase throughput, repeatability and quality.
Robot Selection and Purchasing:
Selecting a robot or robotic cell involves more than just satisfying a reach and payload requirement. URI can help your company choose a robot with the options and capabilities that will maximize your capital investment dollars.

Fixture Design & Tooling:
Fixtures or tooling for robotics and automation serve a variety of functions such as holding, squaring, forming, placing, sensing, clamping, minimizing weld spatter, tacking, and datum alignment. URI designs, builds, modifies, tests, and automates tooling for the production needs of many industries. Allow our engineers to review your part models to create a tool that will maximize the capacity of your automation initiative.
Welding Demonstrations:
With the advent of welding inverters, control of the welding arc has achieved new levels of precision. Let our team develop parameters specific to your alloy and application that will maximize deposition efficiency and travel speed while minimizing heat input.

Weld Training with a CWI, CWE, and CWS:
The American Welding Society has established various certifications to train and test individuals so that they may transmit welding knowledge to others. URI has several of these certifications, including (3) CWS, (2) CRAW-T, (2) CWI, and (1) CWE. What do all those letters mean? They mean that we are serious about being prepared to demystify welding for general industry and help your company capture the most savings in your welding process.
Pre-production, and Factory Acceptance Tests:
As part of most customized robot configurations, URI is capable of hosting an in-house factory acceptance test (FAT). Aside from proving the capabilities of the cell, allow us to complete your pre-production parts for additional testing and client approval.

Robotic Training:
No robotic cell is complete without operators to program and manage cell functions. URI has experienced robotic technicians and programmers on staff ready to train your operators on your equipment. Learn about the unique functions and options of the equipment purchased with an in-house training initiative. Training credits from OEM's are also available upon purchase of new equipment.
Field Service:
The robotic cell has been purchased, programmed, and the production staff has been trained, now the staff realize they need a new load height or sync point in the program. URI is very adept at answering your requests with pragmatic solutions, service and on-time repairs. Our robotic technicians are ready to travel to your location and keep your production active.

There are numerous ways in which vision can be utilized, such as picking, inspection, palletizing, identification, packing, sorting, etc. Vision can be used to quickly and accurately provide robotic path correction and adapt to varying position and orientation. It can identify the presence or absence of key characteristics, or ensure parts do not exceed given tolerances. We can help you decide if vision is suited for your application and integrate it for you when it is.
Robot/PLC Interfacing:
Complete system integration between the Robot and PLC controllers keep the entire process in sync and allows for greater system flexibility. Whether it's DeviceNet, Modbus, or Ethernet/IP, URI implements robust communication to interface from any PLC device to your robot.
HMI Design:
The operator using a system needs an intuitive interface to maximize the functionality of a robotic cell. An HMI from United Robotics keeps operations straightforward and diagnostics understandable. We’ll customize your HMI to meet your exacting standards.

Despite years of technological leaps and continued refinement of robotic automation there are still attributes that have not been considered or exploited. URI is currently working on pragmatic and creative solutions to cutting, welding, vision, seam tracking and material handling applications. Our R&D goal is to broaden the appeal of automation to industries that felt that robotics was not adaptable enough to fulfill their needs.
Automation Controls:
Not every job requires robotics, sometimes effective solutions can be had by implementing simple automation controls. United Robotics combines cutting-edge technology with tried-and-true designs to provide your system with the most robust feature control possible. Whether your system requires robotics or general automation, we have the tools needed to get you moving.
Process Engineering Consultation:
Allow URI to offer an outside perspective on your current processes. By leveraging your company’s expertise and our accumulated experience in automating processes, URI can help you find that needed throughput, cycle time reduction, or elimination of secondary processes.
Weld Engineering:
Welding is a science. Don’t let yourself be fooled into thinking that welding is an art whose inner workings are closely guarded by a dedicated few hood-wearing acolytes. Increase weld deposition efficiency, lower cost per unit of weld, minimize heat input, and eliminate spatter by letting a URI welding engineer reveal the facts of welding parameters, gas mixes, mode of transfer, electrode stick out, and electrode/wave-form choice. Significant gains in process efficiency can typically be made with incumbent equipment. URI is also an authorized Fronius distributor.

Virtual Robot Simulations:
A virtual simulation allows the integrator and end user to model a cell configuration with tooling, parts, and ancillary elements as a system. Once the virtual system is modeled and the cell layout is determined, reach analysis, cycle time calculation, and offline programming can begin.
Offline programming allows complicated and time consuming programming to take place thereby reducing production delays that would occur while using the cell for manual programming. Additional benefits include setting tool and approach angles, mitigation of unintentional tool crashes during manual manipulation, exact cycle time calculation, efficient utilization of air moves and tool rotation, reduction of part scrap, and testing of programming changes. Allow our technicians to help your company decide if offline programming and its subscription costs are a viable alternative to manually programming your robotic components.
Weld Power Source Retrofit:
Advances in the welding industry don’t necessarily mean you must ditch your older robotic cell; upgrading your current system may allow you to take advantage of these new welding processes. Whether utilizing newer technology or simply standardizing on a particular power supply, URI can retrofit your existing setup.
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United Robotics is now positioned to serve a variety of end users and implement practical and cost effective Robotic Integrations that will deliver prompt return on investment.